Saturday, June 23, 2012

Food Art!

Pokemon Easter Eggs!

Easter Eggs! Avatar, Bloo, and Spongebob!

I secretly enjoy drawing on my roommates eggs! Shhh! Don't tell them though!

 I made this cake for a friend's mission! He is serving in Italy! The spaghetti is frosting, the meatballs are chocolate cake, the marinara sauce is cherry dip, and the parmesan cheese is shredded white chocolate! When you cut the cake open, you see the colors of the Italian flag! 

These are really ugly sugar cookies, but my sister and I had fun decorating them!

These next few pictures are of my friends! We had an activity one night where we decorated cakes! I love how creative people can be! 
Taco cake!

Rainbow cake!

Patrick and Spongebob!

Rocket ship!

Ghost Busters!

Island in the sun!

Look at all of those cakes! So fun!

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